24-Hour Telephone Banking

How do I use First Access Telephone Banking?

  • Dial 515-832-4860 or 1-888-372-4880
  • Make a selection from the Main Menu, followed by the # sign:

Main Menu

Push 1 - For account information

  • Enter account number followed by the # sign
If you do not know your personal ID #, contact a personal banker at any of our seven locations to obtain this information
  • Enter 1 for checking or money market, enter 2 for savings, enter 3 for CD’s, enter 4 for loans, enter 9 to return to previous menu
  • Enter personal ID number followed by the # sign
  • Enter account number followed by the # sign

Push 2 - To report a lost or stolen ATM or Debit Card
Push 3 - For website information
Push 4 - For locations and business hours
Push 9 - To end call
Push 0 - For customer service

Checking or Money Market

Push 1 - For current balance and last deposit
Push 2 - To review transactions

  • 1 Most recent checks
  • 2 Most recent deposits
  • 3 For all transactions posted to your account
  • 5 For pending transactions that will post as of the current business date
  • 6 To see if a specific check has cleared
  • 9 To return to the checking menu

Push 3 - To transfer funds
Push 4 - To make a payment
Push 5 - For other checking account functions
Push 9 - To inquire into other accounts or to change your personal ID number


Push 1 - For current balance and last deposit
Push 2 - To review transactions

  • 1 Most recent withdrawal
  • 2 Most recent deposits
  • 3 For all transactions posted to your account
  • 5 For pending transactions that will post as of the current business date
  • 9 To return to the savings menu

Push 3 - To transfer funds
Push 4 - To make a payment
Push 5 - For interest information
Push 9 - To inquire into other account or to change your personal ID number


Push 1 - For current balance and loan payment information
Push 2 - For most recent transactions
Push 3 - For interest information
Push 4 - To transfer funds
Push 5 - For loan payoff information
Push 9 - To inquire into other account or to change your personal ID number

Certificate of Deposit

Push 1 - For current balance
Push 2 - For recent transactions
Push 3 - For interest information
Push 9 - To inquire into other accounts or change personal ID number